Join us as we document the design and development journey of Gigz. We will be posting here periodically with updates on what we are doing, whether it be posting design decisions and how we are building the backend too. Use the search below to filter by title.
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My Top 5 Concerts
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I’ve been to a lot of great shows throughout my life, I’m not out there every week though catching live shows, as much as I would love to, there just isn’t enough time to. But I make an effort to see the artists I love. There have been some pretty epic shows that didn’t make it into this list, like Childish Gambino’s arena show, the epic 3 and a half hour set by The Mars Volta and even getting to see one of The Beatles.
Why I'm building Gigz
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As I get older (not afraid of turning 40 next year 😅) I want to remember what live shows I’ve seen throughout my life, something to go back to that will help spark that memory of what was a great night, or even ones that weren’t a great night.
Welcome to Gigz
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Welcome to the first post here at the Gigz website. I’ll be publishing weekly blogs updating on the design and development process and some fun posts on live music.